Welcome to our training content titled “Business model optimization”.
This package includes the following training modules:
TM 3.1: Business Models: concept and value
This module aims to familiarize trainees with the business model concept and help them understand its meaning and importance for agrifood supply chains. It also presents the main functions that a business model serves.
TM 3.2: How business models help to create value
This training module aims to outline a benchmark framework for conceptualizing how the business models used in supply chain systems lead to the production of value. It analyzes different aspects of primary and secondary value.
TM 3.3: How to develop alternative business models
This module presents a procedure that can be exploited for developing and evaluating alternative business models, offering illustrative examples concerning the creation of alternative business models for short food supply chains, export-oriented supply chains, and green public procurement schemes.
TM 3.4: How to optimize business models
This module aims to identify the digital platform that best fits each supply chain under investigation (short food supply chains, export-oriented supply chains, and green public procurement). It also offers recommendations to secure a higher level of adoption of these schemes.